yourtown is a registered charity and public company providing services young people can access to find jobs, learn skills, become great parents and live safe, happy lives. For over 56 years we’ve been tackling the issues impacting young people in Australia - like youth unemployment and mental health, and we take on issues like family and domestic violence.
The services yourtown provides are as follows:
Counselling and Mentoring from Kids Helpline’s 24/7 service for Australia’s children and young people, Parentline for parents and carers, and face-to-face support for our services’ clients.
Family Accommodation Services that give families temporary homes and/or domestic violence support.
Parenting and Family Services that teach young families positive parenting and connects families with communities.
Education and Re-engagement programs that keep young people in school and offer other positive pathways.
Training and Employment services that give young people extra life choices and gets them jobs.
Work Enterprises that provide on-the-job experience and skills for life.
Indigenous Employment and Wellbeing programs that create job options and community engagement opportunities.
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